Tawanda Chipseal Project 2025 Update 11/27/2024

Tawanda Roads Association is an independent entity.

This page is provided for Harney View property owners who belong to both associations. See the Harney View Chipseal page for information on their project.


The Harney View chipseal survey, Option 1, which includes the chipsealing Old Farm Road to the border with Tawanda, has received substantial support from all the members. 

We now have an opportunity to chipseal our own part of Old Farm Road at a reduced rate

Do you support chipsealing the Tawanda portion of Old Farm Road?

Please respond to me with: Yes or No before December 9th


Our current (2024) Tawanda Roads assessment is $400 per lot. With this proposal we will pay $5,650 per lot in 2025 to add 2 layers of chipseal. Once the roads are sealed, the assessments will drop to $600 per year from 2026 to 2030. This amount is estimated to cover minimal  maintenance and build up a reserve fund for a 3rd layer of chipseal in 2030. After 2030, annual assessments are expected to drop to $400 per lot per year for road cleaning and accumulating funds, in case the road needs to be recoated in 2040. With our level of traffic, the triple-sealed road should last for at least ten years with few or no repairs.

Chipsealed roads, especially the steep areas, will be much easier to maintain.

This figure illustrates our options. Blue bars: individual assessment for gravel road maintenance, which we must redo every year. On top of that, the costs of maintenance and Dustac are subject to compound inflation. This figure illustrates the impact of a modest, 5% inflation rate. Orange bars indicate the chipseal option with 2 coats of chipseal in 2025, followed by annual contributions to a fund to cover the 3rd layer of chipseal in 2030, and reapplication of a refresh coat every 10 years thereafter. After the 3rd layer, maintenance is expected to be limited to cleaning the road. 


The benefits of chipseal are multiple with easier road clearing, lower maintenance, and reduced dust.

Want some of your own?

If you have a driveway or access road, you want to have chipsealed, this would be an excellent time to do it.

What to expect

You should have received a notice from Harney View that they intend to proceed with the chipseal project. The next step is to gauge interest from the Tawanda members. 

Do you support chipsealing the Tawanda portion of Old Farm Road?

Please respond to me with: Yes or No
before December 9th

Gord Crowe on his tractor. Bottom part of Old Farm Road.

The chipseal process

Step 1 Prepare the roads for sealing

Island Excavating will clear the shoulders, lay down a thin coat of gravel, grade, and compact the road.

Step 2 Chipseal first layer

The Chipseal contractor will apply liquid asphalt and spread 5/8” clean crushed rock. A twelve-ton roller will compact the rock, and upon completion, the excess rock will be swept off the pavement.

Step 3 Chipseal second layer

The same as Step 2, but with 3/8” clean crushed rock.

Step 4 Third layer of chipseal

After 5 years a third layer of chipseal will be applied to take care of subsidence or uneven areas.


Maintenance should consist of sweeping during and after Fall/Winter. This could be done with a backpack blower. According to the contractor, we should expect more than 10 years of service without major repairs.


Subject to membership approval, chipsealing is scheduled for 2025. The actual date depends on the availability of the contractor and good weather. The road must be completely dry for a successful application. 

We will notify all members when we receive the final date.


Jacques Retief