Harney View Dock

The repaired dock with new float

The private dock is located in the Harney View Park and is a short dingy ride to Orcas Landing and Shaw Landing. The dock is available for use by all members of the association.

1. Boats are moored at the owner’s risk
2. Users of the facilities assume all risk of loss or damage
3. Children must be under adult supervision. In addition, children under the age of 12 years
must wear a life preserver when on the dock or float
4. No Climbing on the dock pilings
5. No Storage of boats or equipment on the dock
6. East side of the dock is for moorage of small boats or dinghies on a first come basis
a. Please tie up dinghies to allow for maximum use of the dock space
b. Allowing rafting of one boat is mandatory
7. West side of the dock is for loading, unloading and other temporary use up to 24 hours max.
a. Boats left unattended should display name of the owner, contact number, date and
b. Guests should also display the name and contact number of their hosts

King Tides 2023

During the exceptionally high king tides the float was raised higher than the deck of the pier.
The waves washing over the pier dislodged the ramp. The ramp has been modified with an additional step to prevent this happening again.
The picnic area during the 2023 king tide. Fortunately the logs were chained down with in-ground anchors, which did an impressive job. In future we will chain down the picnic tables as well.
Waves washing over the tombolo next to the picnic area.